Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Unfortunately I have an addiction. I am addicted to Stephenie Meyer's books. Especially to the Twilight series. What really sucks about this addiction is that the last book isn't out yet. I am dying to find out what happens to Bella. Whether she will become a vampire or not. How pathetic that occasionally my thoughts wander and I find myself guessing what will happen in "Breaking Dawn" Now this wouldn't be as embarassing if the Twilight series were adult books, but no they are for teenagers. Which pretty much confirms that I am still a 17 year old girl stuck in the body of a 32 year old. Actually I probably more like 13 but I was trying to give myself the benefit of the doubt. Speaking of my teen years I just got out my High School year book. Recently I have joined facebook and found people from High School. What a blast from the past. Reading all of the little notes left by people in my yearbook 14 years ago. Crazy how people who were so important to you back then you can barely remember now. It was so funny to remember who I had a crushes on. It was also fun to see that I have stayed friends with a few people. In fact I read what my friend Jamie wrote, I hope she doesn't mind me quoting it, "I'm looking forward to the rest of our lives together as adults". That is so funny because she was the person who set me up with my husband. And nothing says adulthood more then marriage and a mortgage :)


Jamie said...

Wait - are you telling me i'm an adult? Dang it. It just seems like yesterday we were going to the dollar theater to go watch daniel day-lewis for the 13th time. And being 32 has not stopped me from reading all of Stephenie Meyer's books THREE times!

Mama C said...

I can't believe we're adults either. I think perhaps we should get some koolaid to dye are hair with to make ourselves feel young again

Muncie said...

I think Stephanie Meyer is slightly embarrassed that she wrote at a 'Young Adult' level. Yeah, embarrassed all the way to dah bank! I've read all three AND her 'adult' book. I love them all too and holly and I are counting down to August 3rd. We'll probably have to buy 2 copies. So you are not alone!