Saturday, January 22, 2011

Pain in the...

I have a horrible pain in the knee. How did I injure it you ask? Did I try to run a 5K. Was I hiking. Was I running to save a little puppy that was about to get run over? No ! I did it by kneeling down to help Griffen go to bed. I even said a prayer. So basically I hurt my knee praying. How old and decrepit do you have to be to injure your knee praying.
Being out of shape and old is really a pain in the butt. I swear that everyday I find a new joint that hurts. I feel like I am in my eighties and not my thirties. I sound like a little grandma saying oi my aching back my aching knee.
My new favorite hobby is to explain to the girls in my young womens all the lovely things they have to look forward to with getting older. Like finding random whiskers on your chin or realizing that what you wore in high school is hip again because it is now considered retro. My favorite is how many moles and skin tags I am growing. On top of that I have more pimples now then I did when I was a teenager. What the heck is up with that. I have noticed that as far as a metabolism I have none. If I look at food I gain weight.
I hoping that when I hit my forties I will discover the fabulous forties are the new twenties. Oh lets hope. Otherwise I will be driving around in my jazzy moaning oh my aching body.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Any Ideas

So how do you teach a 3 year old to listen? Because I am really not succeeding in that area. I have tried rewards, time outs, and even an occasional spanking. We have been trying and trying to teach Griff not to hit. We tried time outs and now I tell him if he hits me I will hit back which seems to be helping a little but I am not such a fan of that method. I know being consistent is the key but ugh that key sure takes a long time to work.