Friday, August 1, 2008

Future Jockey

So we went to visit Grandma and Grandpa in Ogden and Griffen had the best time. He got to play with his cousins and an empty box. But best of all he got to ride a doggy.
Griff loves dogs! I am in trouble. Eventually we will have to get one. I think that we will save it as a bribe. "Griffy if your good you can have a doggy" then when he is about 20 we will get one.
Of course the way he giggles when he is around dogs my just be enough to talk me into it sooner. I love it when my little man giggles, it is the best sound in the world! I should record it and just play it over and over again. Of course he is so ticklish I don't need to record it. If you barely touch him he giggles. Sometimes you just look at him and he starts. It is fabulous.
The other night when he was playing the "get you" game with daddy he laughed so hard that he fell face first into the tile. He cut his gum open with his bottom teeth. There was blood pouring from his mouth and I was freaking out. It was First Blood for us. Seeing your child hurt is the worst. Luckily it wasn't bad and he just giggled through the blood.


Jamie said...

I have to agree he is one happy kid! I predict he will have a dog by his second birthday.

Sweet Caroline said...

What a cutie! It is so fun to hear that uncontrollable giggle.