Monday, March 8, 2010

I am back..maybe

I haven't written forever. I always plan on writing but then I want to add pictures and other fun stuff and that gets a little overwhelming.
Man today has be rough. It actually started last night. I went to New Beginnings which was wonderful but it was during the academy awards which was soo wrong. I mean the Academy Awards people!! Forget the Superbowl the Oscars are where it is at for me. But I was trying to be responsible and I went to New Beginnings instead. Luckily I have a dvr so I recorded it. Unluckily the dvr quit when the awards were supposed to be over instead of when they were really over. I missed the Best Actor, Actress, Director, and Film. Only the 4 most important awards. Ugh!
So this morning I woke up to the reality that yesterday I lost a design contest, missed the academy awards, neglected my family, missed my sons bedtime and basically just sucked at about everything I touched. So I took Griff to his little gym class today and well all heck broke out. See Griff is finally getting his 2 year old molars and they are coming in with a vengeance. He is ornery, I am ornery and the combination is deadly. So after multiple warnings that if he didn't start behaving, stop pulling hair/screaming/ and disobeying that we would go home, we went home. It broke my heart he was so sad and cried and cried. I almost gave in and went back in but I don't want to raise a brat and I think you are supposed to stick to your guns on these things. I don't know. Now I wonder what I should do it those situation.
So the morale to this story is that being a responsible adult and parent sucks sometimes.


Sherron said...

Welcome back to the blogging world! I didn't watch the awards last night, but I think that the wrong person won best actress, so I'm glad that I only read about it. (I was going for Meryl all along).

Yes, being a responsible parent sucks sometimes, but it doesn't suck as much as having a bratty kid. But I promise that if you stick to your guns and make it clear that you take him home/remove him from situations because of poor behavior, it will make future events easier. It just isn't fun in the meantime.

Liz B said...

Teaching your kids is hard. Today Connor said, "Mom you are putting me in too many time outs today." I think I wanted a time out instead. Good luck with everything. I still know that you are wonderful.

Jamie said...

I'm glad you are blogging again :) I have also been a slacker at blogging lately. I'm glad you stuck to your guns, even if it was hard. Other parents always tell you that you have to pick your battles, but they never tell you which battles to pick...