Thursday, September 25, 2008

What Are They Thinking

I was just thinking how much I was enjoying the Mormon Light Program. I would go to Sacrement and Relief Society twice a month. If there was a ward party that needed food I would cook for it but not attend it. I am a Visiting Teaching supervisor so I call people about their monthly visits but never do any of my own. I don't drink or smoke but I am a democrat and shop on Sundays. The MLP has been the perfect for me. But now I have been called as the Secretary in Young Womens. They obviously don't know me very well or they wouldn't have put me in a position were I could influence/corrupt the youth. Luckily as callings go I think I will only be doing the Mormon Medium program (no I am not becoming psychic). I will have to go to activities on Wednesday but I don't think I have to teach or do anything else. I think I just have to take roll and be a chaufer. And though I am a scary driver I do believe I can make beautiful check marks next to the girls' names. And since they are all teenagers I finally have a group that understands my love of Edward Cullen.


Jamie said...

Obviously SOMEBODY knew exactly what they were doing :) You will do great! And hey, the MMP is a step up! I love being in YW because it's the perfect excuse to act like a teenager again. It's great having girls come over to borrow my Twilight books and asking me what I think about David Archuleta.

Lauren said...

Lesson 1: Moral analysis of Christian Bale's role in American Psycho and how it relates to societal teen issues, in particular, the shower scene!

Mama C said...

I love it. As a handout I can give them all watermarked business cards :)

Liz B said...

What are they thinking? Well...He is thinking you'll do great. The girls will love you. And you'll have a blast too. (Besides, all the girls will love Griff, and you'll be able to see first-hand which ones would be good baby sitters.)